Life sciences
A decade of results resulting from local projects helped establish a tight collaboration between the CC-IN2P3 and the French Bio-IT Institute (IFB).
This collaboration mainly involves hosting and administration of some of IFB’s resources, which is the native collaborator for life sciences.

Social and human sciences
The CC-IN2P3 makes its resources available to social and human science researchers through the very large research infrastructure Huma-Num. The recent explosion of digital data in social and human science research and education has given rise to issues about how best to preserve it. Huma-Num gives researchers and education teams a sustainable IT structure with services that can be pooled through a hub established at the CC-IN2P3.

The Technological Research Institute BIOASTER was created in April 2012 at the initiative of the French government and by the Institut Pasteur and Lyonbiopôle health competitiveness cluster. It is a public-private research body specialising in health microbiology and infectious disease.
Thanks to a partnership with the CC-IN2P3, the Institute benefits from physicists’ experience and skills with regard to intensive data analysis. BIOASTER’s bio-informaticians have access to the CC-IN2P3 computing farm and the cloud computing platform, which can be used for their high-throughput data analyses.

The CIDRA project includes the main academic actors involved in intensive computing and cloud computing in the Auvergne Rhône Alpes region. It aims to add impetus to interactions between these actors by consolidating and developing existing infrastructure to offer an integrated high-performance computing and data storage platform to all institutions in the region.
CIDRA draws on the skills of local HPC Tier-2 centres (member of Equipex Equip@Meso project) and the international experience of the CC-IN2P3, which is the project leader.