The IN2P3’s Computing Centre is involved in several European projects, striving to provide its researchers’ community with tools at the cutting edge of scientific computing. CC-IN2P3 participates in the ambitious project designing and implementing the EOSC (European Open Science Cloud) which purpose is ensuring the sharing, exploitation, reuse and preservation of scientific data.
CC-IN2P3 has been contributing for more than two decades to the creation of a European and even global data processing landscape, specifically supporting high-energy physics.
Since 2010, it has joined the Pan-European EGI initiative, in the pursue of a federated and distributed offer for computing, storage and data processing services. In this context, CC-IN2P3 contributes to multiple projects: as an example, it was the driving force and designer for the EGI Operations Portal; the reference tool on the available services status information for all users communities and supported sites. This project continues to be developed and will evolve within the framework of several new successive projects allowing the service access within the more global EOSC framework (EOSC portal).